Sunday, October 9, 2011

ISO 14001:2004 Training DVD

ISO 14001:2004 Training DVD

ISO 14001:2004 Training DVD

ISO 14001:2004 Training DVD

Global warming, ozone depletion, pollution and extinction of numerous species of animals. These are just a few of the environmental issues that the world faces, in the name of development. As responsible corporate citizens, companies can play their part in preserving our natural environment for our next generation by implementing ISO 14001:2004 Standards – Environmental Management System.

So, what is ISO 14001:2004 Standards – Environmental Management System? What is the requirement of the ISO 14001 standards? What is the content of Environmental Management System? What are the steps in implementing ISO 14001:204 Standards – Environmental Management System? You will find the answers in this “ISO 14001:2004 Standards – Environmental Management System” DVD.

The “ISO 14001:2004 Standards – Environmental Management System” DVD will elaborate in details on:

  1. Introduction to ISO 14001:2004 Standards – Environmental Management System.
  2. The history & origin of the standards.
  3. Requirement of ISO 14001:2004 Standards.
  4. Contents Of ISO 14001:2004 Standards.
  5. ISO 14001:2004 Implementation Steps & Checklist.

No matter how simple or complex the business, each can benefit from the implementation of a management system based on ISO 14001:2004. This international standard has as its focus the prevention of pollution, accomplished by a teamwork approach to identifying those aspects of the organizations processes that have the potential for harming the environment and the development of ways to reduce or prevent this harm.

In the process, many organizations have found ways to reduce costs by elimination of scrap, changes to their waste disposal processes or reduced use of natural resources. It is the application of the system approach that has proven to be successful. And, once the system is in place, it is logical and beneficial to have that system certified and registered. This provides added assurance that the management system remains effective and also provides public recognition to numerous stakeholders that your organization is committed to the prevention of pollution.


  1. nice blog thanks for the details of ISO 14001 sharing.

    ISO 14001

  2. ISO 27001 Training - ISO 9001 : 2008 consists of five main clauses, as opposed to the twenty clauses included in the 1994 version of the standard. The aim is to make the latest version of the standard more appropriate to the needs of all organisations, whether product or service based. The structure now also reflects the "Plan, Do Check, Act (PDCA)" cycle, already introduced in the ISO 14001 standard and the OHSAS 18000:1998 specification. The five main sections of the standard are:

  3. ISO 14000 é uma série de normas desenvolvidas pela International Organization for Standardization (ISO) que estabelecem diretrizes sobre a área de gestão ambiental dentro de empresas.

    Comitê de criação
    No ano de 1993, a ISO reuniu diversos profissionais e criou um comitê, intitulado Comitê Técnico TC 207 que teria como objetivo desenvolver lista atualizada de normas da série ABNT NBR ISO 14000nas seguintes áreas envolvidas com o meio ambiente. O comitê foi dividido em vários subcomitês, conforme descritos.

    Os impactos ambientais gerados pelo desenvolvimento industrial e econômico do mundo atual constituem um grande problema para autoridades e organizações ambientais.

    No início da década de 1990, a ISO viu a necessidade de se desenvolverem normas que falassem da questão ambiental e tivessem como intuito a padronização dos processos de empresas que utilizassem recursos tirados da natureza e/ou causassem algum dano ambiental decorrente de suas atividades.

    Comitê de criação
    No ano de 1993, a ISO reuniu diversos profissionais e criou um comitê, intitulado Comitê Técnico TC 207 que teria como objetivo desenvolver lista atualizada de normas da série ABNT NBR ISO 14000 nas seguintes áreas envolvidas com o meio ambiente. O comitê foi dividido em vários subcomitês, conforme descritos.
