Sunday, October 17, 2010

Quality Management System

Clause 4.2.1 in ISO 9000 Standards requires quality management system documentation to include 5 types
of document:
(a) Quality policy and objectives
(b) Quality manual
(c) Documented procedures
(d) Documents needed to ensure the effective planning, operation and control of processes
(e) Records
Other than the requirements in clause 4 for documentation, there are 14 other references requiring documentation. These are as follows:
(a) The output of the planning
(b) The quality manual
(c) A documented procedure for document control
(d) A documented procedure for the identification, storage, retrieval, protection, retention time and disposition of records.
(e) Planning of the realization processes
(f) Inputs relating to product requirements
(g) The outputs of the design and development process
(h) Design and development changes
(i) The results of the review of changes and subsequent follow up actions
(j) A documented procedure for conducting audits that includes the responsibilities and requirements
(k) Evidence of conformity with the acceptance criteria characteristics of the product
(l) A documented procedure for nonconformity control activities
(m)A documented procedure for corrective action
(n) A documented procedure for preventive action
This list is somewhat inadequate for documentation purposes because it does not tell us what types of things we should document or provide criteria to enable us to decide what we need to document. ISO 9000 clause 2.7.2 includes a more useful list of document types that are classified as follows:
(a) Quality manuals
(b) Quality plans
(c) Specifications
(d) Guidelines
(e) Procedures, work instructions and drawings
(f) Records

Contents Of ISO 14001 Standards

Contents Of ISO 14001 Standards

The ISO 14000 family addresses various aspects of environmental management. The very first two standards, ISO 14001:2004 and ISO 14004:2004 deal with environmental management systems (EMS). ISO
14001:2004 provides the requirements for an EMS and ISO 14004:2004 gives general EMS guidelines.

The newly revised ISO 14001:2004 specifies the requirements for an environmental management system (EMS), which provides a framework for an organization to control the environmental impacts of its activities, products
and services, and to continually improve its environmental performance. It applies to those environmental aspects which the organization can control and over which it can be expected to have an influence. It does not itself state
specific environmental performance criteria.

ISO 14001:2004 is applicable to any organization that wishes to:
• implement, maintain and improve an environmental management system
• assure itself of its conformance with its stated environmental policy
• demonstrate such conformance to others
• seek certification/registration of its environmental management system by an external organization
• make a self-determination and self-declaration of conformance with this international standard.

All the requirements in this standard can be incorporated into any environmental management system. Having been revised, the improved ISO 14001 is now expected to bring the benefits of implementing an EMS to more businesses than ever. The standard is now easier to understand and use and has more detailed checklists for inputs and outputs from the management review and has increased compatibility to ISO 9001.

Key Elements Of ISO 14001:2004
• Environmental policy
Develop a statement of your organizations commitment to the environment. Use this policy as a framework for planning and action.
An environmental policy is top managements declaration of its commitment to the environment. This policy should serve as the foundation for your EMS and provide a unifying vision of environmental concern by the entire organization. Given its importance, your policy should be more than just flowery prose.

Since it serves as the framework for setting environmental objectives and targets, the policy should be brought to life in your plans and deeds. Everyone in the organization should understand the policy and what is expected of them in order to achieve the organizations objectives and targets.
Your policy should reflect three key commitments, including a commitment to continual improvement. While this does not mean that you must improve in all areas at once, the policy should drive your organizations efforts to continually improve environmental management (and the improved performance that results from these efforts).

How To Get ISO 9001 Certified

How To Get ISO 9001 Certified

The ISO 9001 accreditation is part of the International Organization for Standardization 9000 standards. They are awarded to businesses for quality. The ISO 9001 is recognized worldwide as an award for a company’s internal quality management or actions that the company takes to ensure the product or service they provide is of the highest quality. Customer satisfaction is a major factor in whether a company will be awarded an ISO 9001 accreditation. The International Organization for Standardization in Geneva, Switzerland publishes thousands of international standards to help companies throughout the world more efficiently do business with one another. The 27 page ISO 9001 standard is focused on defining minimum business practices for the production and delivery of a company’s products and services through the implementation of a formal “quality management system”, or QMS. An ISO QMS is made up of certain processes, documentation and other formal practices that control internal company operations to ensure customer requirements are consistently met. To pass an audit, an organization must follow these guidelines: Develop a Quality Management System (QMS) manual. Develop the procedures required by the ISO 9001 Standard. Determine the additional processes and procedures that are needed by the organization to perform work and satisfy the requirements in the ISO Standard. Operate in accordance with the organization’s documented QMS. Provide evidence that the organization is operating according to the QMS. The achievement of an ISO 9001 certification is a milestone in demonstrating to your customers that you have implemented a reliable system of producing and delivering your products and services. The focus of this “system” is twofold: providing consistent products and services; and continual improvement in your processes leading to better results. The ISO 9001 certification is granted by a third-party auditing firm called a Registrar who specializes in quality system auditing. There are a wide variety of Registrars located in every ISO participating country. Some firms have offices internationally; others have a more regional focus. The selection of your Registrar is one of the more important decisions you will make to ensure the best alignment with your type of business, your location(s) and overall cost of maintaining the certification. The initial certification audit is conducted in two parts. The Stage 1 audit is a general review of your QMS documentation to ensure you have addressed all of the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard. Depending upon the size of your business, this can be conducted in a one to two day visit to your facility or virtually via phone. Any discrepancies noted during the Stage 1 audit will be documented in a formal report and must be corrected before the Stage 2 audit. The main part of the ISO audit is the Stage 2 audit which is always conducted onsite at your location(s) and will be focused on the implementation and effectiveness of your QMS. During this audit which can take 1 day (for very small companies) to several days, the auditor(s) will tour your company, speak to managers and employees, and review documentation and records (along with any Stage 1 discrepancies) to ensure that your system is fully implemented. If nonconformances are found, they will be documented in a formal report for correction. Following the Stage 2 audit, you are generally given thirty (30) days to submit corrective action plans for all audit nonconformances. Once corrective actions are received, your certification is complete and your certificate is issued. In order to maintain the certification, you will participate in an annual surveillance audit from your Registrar where they confirm that you are maintaining your QMS. Every third year, a more comprehensive re-certification audit is conducted, similar to the initial certification audit.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Elements Of ISO 14001 Environmental Management System

Elements Of ISO 14001 Environmental Management System

ISO/DIS 14001 is one of a series of emerging international environmental management standardsaimed at promoting
continual improvement in company environmental performance through the adoption and implementation of an environmental management system. The (draft) standard specifies the core elements of an EMS, but contains only those elements that may be objectively audited for certification or self-declaration purposes. A companion guidance standard, ISO/DIS 14004 includes examples, descrïptions and options that aid in the implementation of an EMS and in integrating the EMS into overall management practices. It is not intended for use by certification/registration bodies.

ISO/DIS 14001 defines an overall environmental management system , closely modeled on the ISO 9000 quality systems standard , and covers the following key elements:

· Establishment of an appropriate environmental policy that is documented and communicated to employees and made available to the public, and which includes a commitment to continual improvement and pollution prevention, regulatory compliance and a framework for setting objectives;
· A planning phase that covers the identification of the environmental aspects of the organization’s activities, identification and access to legal requirements, establishment and documentation of objectives and targets consistent with the policy, and establishment of a program for achieving said targets and objectives (including the designation of responsible individuals, necessary means and timeframes);
· Implementation and operation of the EMS including the definition, documentation and communication of roles and responsibilities, provision of appropriate training, assurance of adequate internal and external communication, written management system documentation as well as appropriate document control procedures, documented procedures for operational controls, and documented and communicated emergency response procedures;
· Checking and corrective action procedures, including procedures for regular monitoring and measurement of key characteristics of the operations and activities, procedures for dealing with situations of non-conformity, specific record maintenance procedures and procedures for auditing the performance of the EMS;
· Periodic management reviews of the overall EMS to ensure its suitability, adequacy and effectiveness in light of changing circumstances.

The EMS as outlined in ISO 14001 provides a structured process for the achievement of continual improvement, the rate and extent of which is determined by the organization in light of economic and other circumstances. Although some improvement in environmental performance can be expected due to the adoption of a systematic approach, it should be understood that the EMS is a tool which enables the organization to achieve and systematically control the level of environmental performance that it sets itself. The establishment of an EMS will not, in itself, necessarily result in an immediate reduction of adverse environmental impact. Indeed, care needs to be taken that the mere establishment of an EMS does not lull the organization into a false sense of security. But effectively used, an EMS should enable an organization to improve its environmental performance and avoid or reduce adverse environmental impacts over time.

The ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 Standards and the environment

The ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 Standards and the environment

The ISO 14000 family of International Standards on environmental management is a relative newcomer to ISO’s portfolio – but enviroment-related standardization is far from being a new departure for ISO.

In fact, ISO has two-pronged approach to meeting the needs of business, industry, governments, non-governmental organizations and consumers in the field of the environment.

On the one hand, it offers a wideranging portfolio of standardized sampling, testing and analytical methods to deal with specific environmental challenges. It has developed more than 350 International Standards (out of a total more
than 12000) for the monitoring of such aspects as the quality of air, water and soil. These standards are means of providing business and government with scientifically valid data on the environmental effects of economic activity.

They also serve in a number of countries as the technical basis for environmental regulations.

ISO is leading a strategic approach by developing environmental management system standards that can be implemented in any type of organization in either public or private sectors (companies, administration, public utilities). To spearhead this strategic approach, ISO establish a new technical commitee, ISO /TC 207, Environmental management, in

1993. This followed ISO’s successful pioneering experience in management system standardization with the ISO 9000 series for quality management.

ISO’s direct involvement in environmental management stemmed from an intensive consultation process, carried out within the framework of a Strategic Advisory Group on Environment (SAGE),set up in 1991, in which 20 countrie, 11 international organizations and more than 100 environmental experts participated in defining the basic requirements of a new approach to environment-related standards.

This pioneering work was consolidated with ISO’s commitment to support the objective of “sustainable development” dicussed at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro in 1992.

Today, delegations of business and government experts from 55 countries have participate actively within TC 207,

and another 16 countries have observer status. These delegations are chosen by the national standars institute concerned and they are required to bring to TC 207 a national consensus on issue being addressed by the commitee.

This national consensus is derived from a process of consultation with interested parties.

From its beginning, it was recognized that ISO/TC 207 should have close cooperation with ISO/TC 176, Quality management and quality assurance, in the areas of management systems, auditing and related terminology. Active efforts are under way to ensure compatibility of ISO environmental management and quality management standards, for the benefit of all organizations wishing to implement them.

ISO 9001 Standards & ISO 14001 Standards

In order to assist organizations to have a full understanding of the new ISO 9001:2008, it may be useful to have an insight on the revision process, how this revision reflects the inputs received from users of the standard, and the consideration given to benefits and impacts during its development.

Prior to the commencement of a revision (or amendment) to a management system standard, ISO/Guide 72:2001 Guidelines for the justification and development of management system standards recommends that a “Justification Study” is prepared to present a case for the proposed project and that it outlines details of the data and inputs used to support its arguments. In relation to the development of ISO 9001:2008 user needs were identified from the following:

-the results of a formal “Systematic Review” on ISO 9001:2000 that was performed by the members of ISO/TC 176/SC2 during 2003-2004
-feedback from the ISO/TC 176/Working Group on “Interpretations”
-the results of an extensive worldwide “User Feedback Survey on ISO 9001 and
The Justification Study identified the need for an amendment, provided that the impact on users would be limited and that changes would only be introduced when there were clear benefits to users.

The key focuses of the ISO 9001:2008 amendment were to enhance the clarity of ISO 9001:2000 and to enhance its compatibility with ISO 14001:2004.

A tool for assessing the impacts versus benefits for proposed changes was created to assist the drafters of the amendment in deciding which changes should be included, and to assist in the verification of drafts against the identified user needs. The following decision making principles were applied:

1) No changes with high impact would be incorporated into the standard;

2) Changes with medium impact would only be incorporated when they provided a correspondingly medium or high benefit to users of the standard;

3) Even where a change was low impact, it had to be justified by the benefits it delivered to users, before being incorporated.

The changes incorporated in this ISO 9001:2008 edition were classified in terms of impact into the following categories:

-No changes or minimum changes on user documents, including records

-No changes or minimum changes to existing processes of the organization

-No additional training required or minimal training required

-No effects on current certifications

The benefits identified for the ISO 9001:2008 edition fall into the following categories:

-Provides clarity

-Increases compatibility with ISO 14001.

-Maintains consistency with ISO 9000 family of standards.

-Improves translatability.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Emergency Preparedness and Response In ISO 14001

Emergency Preparedness and Response In ISO 14001

Under the Emergency Preparedness and Response requirement of ISO 14001:2004 (§4.4.7), the organization is required to establish procedures for identifying the potential for and responding to emergency situations and accidents that can have an impact on the environment.

Identification of Potential Emergency and Accident Situations – Experience indicates that organizations infrequently have a preexisting procedure for identifying potential emergency and accident situations.
The norm is to establish emergency and accident responses for a variety of emergency and accident situations irrespective of the potential for their occurrence. But ISO 14001 is specific about requiring a procedure to identify the potential for emergency situations and accidents. Adhering to the requirement of the procedure is a valuable exercise that helps organizations identify weaknesses in their own emergency planning and to plan for that which is most likely to occur.
Because many environmental impacts of an emergency or accident situation are secondary in nature, it appears that all potential emergency or accident situations need to be identified before a determination of environmental impacts can be made. An organization that attempts to identify potential emergency or accident situations based on a review of its environmental aspects would likely miss the environmental impact potential of, say, an automobile accident.

There are five steps implied by the emergency preparedness and response requirement:

1) Identify the potential for emergency situations and accidents of all kinds;
2) Paying particular attention to the potential environmental impacts of accidents and emergency situations, identify how the organization can prevent and mitigate associated adverse environmental impacts;
3) Determine how the organization and its employees should respond to emergency situations and accidents;
4) Periodically simulate emergency situations to test response capabilities; and,
5) Review and revise procedures based on experience derived from actual and simulated emergency situations and accidents.

Accident and Emergency Situation Identification – In order to identify potential for and responding to emergency situations and accidents, the organization should develop a procedure for systematically identifying accident and emergency situations, evaluating their probability of occurrence, their likely consequences, and their severity.
Organizations often engage risk management specialists to assist in the identification of potential emergency or accident situations that could lead to human injury, environmental damage, or economic loss. While many checklists are available to facilitate this kind of evaluation, there is virtually no substitute for physical evaluation of facilities by knowledgeable personnel, whether employees or outside professionals.

Emergency Response Procedures – The organization is required to develop procedures for responding to emergency situations and accidents when they occur. Typically, response procedures include identifying public emergency response agencies and their capabilities, identifying individuals within the organization who are trained and able to provide assistance in emergencies, establishing an emergency communications network, and providing emergency lighting, signage, and equipment. Because Emergency Response Procedures are based on identified potential emergency situations and accidents specific to the organization, the emergency response plan will be unique for each organization.

Periodic Testing – The value of conducting emergency response exercises lies not only with simulating situations that could occur but also in identifying flaws in the response plan. Practice drills can be the most effective test of the system to give employees, emergency response personnel, and management the opportunity to walk through the plan and gain familiarity with its procedures. While a full-dress response exercise is valuable, testing of procedures can be effectively done on much smaller scales and still provide the benefits of testing. Above all, the organization should not let the impracticality of a full-dress exercise keep it from testing sub elements of the emergency response plan.

Review and Revise – ISO 14001 calls for continual improvement of the EMS. Periodically reviewing and revising emergency response plans based on the experience gained from the occurrence of emergency situations or accidents or in testing response plans is an example of continual improvement.

Written Response Plans – Many written emergency response plans are too cumbersome to be of value in an emergency situation – their value depends entirely upon previous training of persons who will be called upon to execute them. Yet, many organizations fail to provide the emergency response training necessary to make the plans functional.
Keeping in mind that even the simplest, most direct emergency response plan requires training for effective implementation, an alternative for organizations to consider is establishment of abbreviated, readily available Immediate Response Directions established for each kind of potential emergency situation or accident. Such an emergency response plan might consist of a laminated card prepared for each potential emergency situation or accident and providing specific responsibilities and associated actions for employees and visitors, supervisors, emergency coordinators, and emergency directors.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

ISO 14001 Standards Environmental Management System

Global warming, ozone depletion, pollution and extinction of numerous species of animals. These are just a few of the environmental issues that the world faces, in the name of development. As responsible corporate citizens, SMEs can play their part in preserving our natural environment for our next generation.

Both individuals and businesses especially have a social and environmental responsibility to fulfil. With the rapid development in today’s industrialised world, the issue of preserving and managing our environment has become crucial. The increasing awareness of the importance of good environmental management systems is evidenced by the amendments made to the Environmental Quality Act 1974 and other environmental regulations which serve to ensure stricter compliance of environmental standards. Malaysia also adopted the National Environment Policy in 2002 as a means of addressing environmental issues in an integrated manner while more and more companies are striving to attain the MS14001 EMS certification.

As responsible corporate citizens, SMEs have a major role to play in preserving the environment. For starters, they can help the Government to achieve its recycling goals, by creating mechanisms to facilitate the segregation of recyclable wastes and to ensure that these wastes are sent to the relevant parties instead of being dumped in landfills and illegal dumpsites. Furthermore, SMEs must also ensure that proper waste management systems are in place in conducting their day-to-day businesses.

Below are a few steps that SMEs can take to do their part for the environment:
• Dispose off company wastes properly and responsibly.
• Encourage employees to reuse items where possible, for example, printing on both sides of the paper, etc.
• Practise recycling in the office, by introducing a recycling programme. Among the items that can be recycled are papers, cardboards, glass, aluminium cans and scrap metals.
• Implementing an Environmental Management System (EMS).

An EMS provides a framework for managing environmental practices that integrates with overall business goals in a systematic way. Various models can be applied to develop, implement and maintain an EMS. One of the more common models used by industries is the model described by the ISO 14001 standard which was developed by the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO). The ISO 14001 standard EMS model focuses on continuous improvement through an on-going cycle of actions called the continual improvement cycle which incorporates the elements of planning, doing, checking and acting.

An EMS typically begins with a strong environmental policy which describes the organisation’s approach in managing its environmental affairs and reflects its commitment to protect the environment and human well-being. The environmental policy establishes the framework for environmental leadership and serves as a contract between an organisation’s employees and its stakeholders. As such, commitment and strong support from top management is essential in making an EMS a success. Developing the environmental policy also helps to lay the groundwork for the planning phase of the EMS cycle. It is in this stage that active management support is sought, a multi-disciplinary EMS implementation team is formed and an introduction meeting is held to brief employees on the implementation of EMS. On top of that, the scope and budget for the implementation of EMS is also pre-defined. In other words, it is important that management provides all the resources necessary for the successful implementation of EMS.

It is evident that some SME has put in place various initiatives to preserve the environment while utilizing resources efficiently. These initiatives include the following:

1. Discouraging open burning in fields and plantation sites while encouraging the composting of felled trees and crops in an environmentally-friendly way which in turn prepares land for replanting by using natural fertilizer;
2. Discouraging the use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in various industrial, commercial and household appliances; and
3. Encouraging the recycling of resources for example, in the plastic manufacturing industry, materials are being regenerated through the forming process in an effort to reuse biodegradable products in an environmentally-friendly way.

Waste management involves collecting, transporting, processing, recycling and disposing waste materials, in an effort to reduce their adverse effects on human health and the environment. Waste materials include solid, liquid or gaseous substances. The implementation of waste management requires careful planning and also adequate financial resources and is the responsibility of all parties involved such as individuals, businesses and corporations, including SMEs.

In an effort to support an enhanced level of environmental pro activity, the government provides a range of fiscal activities which includes the Pioneer Status tax exemption and the Investment Tax Allowance for the manufacture of environmentally-friendly products, the provision and supply of environmentally-friendly services and specific activities which contribute towards the presentation of the environment. The said incentives are available for the following activities:

  • Storage, treatment and disposal of toxic and hazardous waste
  • Waste recycling activities which are high-tech in nature for instance, recycling agricultural wastes, chemicals and the production of reconstituted wood-based panel boards or other products
  • Energy-generating activities using biomass which are renewable and environmentally-friendly. Examples of biomass resources include palm oil mill waste, rice mill waste, sugar cane mill waste, timber/sawmill waste and paper recycling mill waste
  • Energy conservation services

Accelerated Capital Allowance with a special initial rate of 40% and an annual rate of 20% for total write-off within three years is given to organisations that are waste generators, for their capital expenditure on machinery and equipment incurred, to set up facilities to store, treat and dispose their waste. This incentive is also available to companies undertaking waste recycling activities.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

ISO 14001 Template

ISO 14001 Template

The ISO 14001Template were created to help you to prepare the ISO 14001Quality Manual, ISO 14001 Operating Procedure & ISO 14001 Forms. This ISO 14001 Template contains prewritten Quality Manual, Operating Procedure along with sample forms and checklists included as Microsoft Word & Excel format. It provides sample practical documentation in the proper ISO format required by the latest ISO 14001:2004.

The ISO 14001 Template features:-

• Specifically designed to be very easy to customize so that the entire documentation that is required by ISO 14001 : 2004 can be quickly and easily developed.
• Professional design and layout.
• It is designed to fulfill the ISO 14001 : 2004 requirements. .
• Easy to read, easy to understand, and easy to implement.
• Easy to audit as it follows the structure of ISO 14001: 2004..
• Includes the required Process Flowchart.

The ISO 14001 Template series itself is generic, and is designed to be applicable to any manufacturing or service process. The ISO 14001 Environmental Management System (EMS) Template are consist of:

a. ISO 14001 EMS Manual Template
The Policy is fundamental to meeting the needs of ISO 14001. It essentially defines the rules and requirements of the organization with respect to the standard/EMS and as such is a central plank of the initiative.
ISO 14001 Manual Template Consist of:
• Section 1: General EMS Requirement
• Section 2: Environment Policy – Objectives, Targets & Programmes
• Section 3: EMS Planning
• Section 4: Implementation & Operation
• Section 5: Checking & Monitoring
• Section 6: Management Review

b. ISO 14001 Operating Procedure
The ISO 14001 Operating Procedure Template includes and integrates ISO 14001 EMS requirements, thus containing the most difficult part of the ISO 14001 documentation. The ISO 14001 Operating Procedure Template include the detailed samples of the Operating Procedures to fulfill the ISO 14001 : 2004 requirements for the procedures, making the customization process even easier. The entire manual follows the structure of ISO 14001 : 2004.

ISO 14001 Operating Procedures Consist Of:
• Objective & Targets Procedure
• Environmental Management Program Procedure
• Environmental Aspect & Impact Identification & Evaluation Procedure
• Environmental Monitoring & Measuring Procedure
• Legal & Others Requirement & Evaluation Of Compliance Procedure
• Emergency Preparedness & Response Procedure
• Chemical Control Procedure
• Waste Management Procedure
• 5S House Keeping Procedure

c. ISO 14001 Forms
ISO 14001 Forms Consist Of :
• Environmental Non-Conformance Master List
• Environmental Non-Conformance Notice Form
• Environmental Management Program Form
• Environmental Aspect & Impact Identification Form
• Green Environment Internal Audit Master Plan
• Green Environment Plan & Activities Form
• Green Environment Material Purchase Master List
• ISO 14001:2004 Internal Audit Summary Report
• Equipment Monitoring Master List
• Environment Preventive Action Report (PAR) Master List
• Environment Preventive Action Report (PAR) Form.
• Environmental Responsible Form
• EMS Organization Chart.
• Waste Management Schedule Form
• Totally Abolish Banned Substances & Target Deadline For Total Abolishment Form

For more information, please visit us at:

The Environment For A Healthy Business In ISO 14001 Standards

The Environment For A Healthy Business In ISO 14001 Standards

Growing scrutiny toward industry’s effects on the environment has made conformance with ISO 14001:2004 – a voluntary, internationally recognized Environmental Management Systems(EMS) standard – more important than ever. As more companies pursue ISO 14001 certification to demonstrate environmental commitment to their customers, shareholders and government agencies, many are discovering the benefits of partnering with Intertek. As one of the first accredited certification bodies, Intertek offers expertise, experience and know-how that no one else can deliver. Your certified EMS can help you reap the benefits of:

Improved overall performance
Your ISO 14001 certified EMS can help make your business more efficient and productive. Lower energy and raw materials use, reductions in waste and pollution, and mitigated risks of accidents and emergency situations translate into greater profitability and productivity.

Expanded market access
Your company’s environmental credibility and commitment to quality are established from day one. It will take less time to demonstrate the effectiveness of your EMS and earn your prospective customers’ trust and confidence, and you’ll enjoy access to markets you might not otherwise penetrate.

Improved corporate image
Your certification demonstrates your company’s commitment to environmental responsibility, fostering improved relationships with the community, shareholders, and governmental and environmental organizations.

Enhanced competitiveness
While helping you to operate more efficiently and profitably, your ISO 14001 certified EMS can instill additional confidence in shareholders, investors, insurers and your customers – making your business the clear choice in a highly competitive market.
Plus, you can maximize your human and financial resources by using your existing Quality Management System (QMS) as a basis for your EMS, taking advantage of the synergies between ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.

Monday, April 5, 2010

ISO 14001:2004 Training DVD

ISO 14001:2004 Training DVD

ISO 14001:2004 Training DVD

ISO 14001:2004 Training DVD

Global warming, ozone depletion, pollution and extinction of numerous species of animals. These are just a few of the environmental issues that the world faces, in the name of development. As responsible corporate citizens, companies can play their part in preserving our natural environment for our next generation by implementing ISO 14001:2004 Standards – Environmental Management System.

So, what is ISO 14001:2004 Standards – Environmental Management System? What is the requirement of the ISO 14001 standards? What is the content of Environmental Management System? What are the steps in implementing ISO 14001:204 Standards – Environmental Management System? You will find the answers in this “ISO 14001:2004 Standards – Environmental Management System” DVD.

The “ISO 14001:2004 Standards – Environmental Management System” DVD will elaborate in details on:

  1. Introduction to ISO 14001:2004 Standards – Environmental Management System.
  2. The history & origin of the standards.
  3. Requirement of ISO 14001:2004 Standards.
  4. Contents Of ISO 14001:2004 Standards.
  5. ISO 14001:2004 Implementation Steps & Checklist.

No matter how simple or complex the business, each can benefit from the implementation of a management system based on ISO 14001:2004. This international standard has as its focus the prevention of pollution, accomplished by a teamwork approach to identifying those aspects of the organizations processes that have the potential for harming the environment and the development of ways to reduce or prevent this harm.

In the process, many organizations have found ways to reduce costs by elimination of scrap, changes to their waste disposal processes or reduced use of natural resources. It is the application of the system approach that has proven to be successful. And, once the system is in place, it is logical and beneficial to have that system certified and registered. This provides added assurance that the management system remains effective and also provides public recognition to numerous stakeholders that your organization is committed to the prevention of pollution.

Monday, January 18, 2010

ISO 14001 Standards - It is time to implement Environment Management System (EMS)

ISO 14001 Standards - It is time to implement Environment Management System (EMS)

Improving the environmental performance of corporations is one way of limiting environmental damage by implementing ISO 14001 Standard / ISO 14001 Standards. Environmental management systems (EMS's), such as ISO 14001 Standard / ISO 14001 Standards, provide a framework for organizations that wish to effectively manage their environmental affairs. Implementing an EMS that conforms to the ISO 14001 standard / ISO 14001 Standards may help businesses integrate environmental values into their operations.